Master of Seduction
realtime rendered ingame footage


"Master of Seduction" is a full 3D experience which lets you move in ego perspective through the game world to provide great immersion.

The game focuses on dynamic gameplay where many things happen randomly and your progress and success in the game depends on your decisions and many other factors. You can build a relationship with girls to unlock story elements and activities with the characters in the game.

The main goal is to create a game that feels more real and more immersive than many others.

Game contents

You start the game in a nice villa that your father gave to you. So that is the center stage of the game.
While the game grows and progresses, there are different characters to seduce. Right from the start there is your housemaid that is already working and living in the villa. While arriving and accomodating in your new home, will you make it to turn this sexy and pure girl into a naughty one and fuck her?

But mastering that girl is just the beginning! After your maid is yours, more and more characters are introduced. All with different needs, preferences and characteristics. If you can make them feel at home in your villa, you can have a lot of fun together!

As already mentioned, the game plays dynamically. This means that you create your own storyline in the game, what you do and when you do it. You can build a relationship with the girls, complete tasks or improve your character.


This game is work in progress and constantly grows in content, features and gets fixes with every release. There is a general roadmap which contains an overview of all planned content and features as well as the necessary technical developments to implement them.

All features and contents on that roadmap are planned and will be added over time. Maybe even more will be added over time, but at least all on this roadmap are definitely coming! For me it's a must to implement all of this, to take advantage of the potential and benefits of the real-time 3D concept that I have chosen for this project. Some are certainly complex, difficult to master and integrate, but I'm sure I will manage it, strengthened by my backers!
click on image to enlarge
The roadmap only shows the more complex features in terms of implementation in the game, which will require more than just one release. But there will certainly be a lot of smaller features that will be implemented entirely within one release, as has often been the case in the past.

The timeline has no scale, as the duration for the implementation of all planned points varies and depends on the support for this project. This means that every backer actively contributes to shortening the duration of this timeline and helps to bring in the planned features sooner.

Ingame Demo



Below you can download the latest public version of the game and play it.
There will always be a public version available for download, which will be updated from time to time.

Those who support the project on patreon or subscribestar will receive game updates much more frequently and will always have access to the latest version of the game.

This game contains adult content. By downloading the game you confirm that you are at least 18 years old.
  for Windows
version 0.14.1 (ca. 526 MB)
  for MacOS
version 0.14.1 (ca. 523 MB)

Do you like this game?

I love developing this game, even though it's a lot of work doing this all alone. I just wish I could dedicate more time to development, because that's my only limit. The time I can invest in development is the time I have left after working as a freelancer to pay my bills. Unfortunately, this leads to slow progress and growth of the game.

Your support will change this!

I am very happy about everyone supporting this project because it means that I can reduce the time I need to work as freelancer and instead invest this time in this game project. This will lead to shorter periods between releases, more content with each new update and also increase the overall quality of the content.

As a reward for your support, you will get access to the latest release in the exclusive Supporter Edition of the game with more content than in the free edition. In addition, you will receive previews and info about upcoming content and can participate in surveys that will determine the path of development.

To support this game project, you can become a patron or subscriber and you will immediately receive your rewards.

follow the project



To give you more info about me and this project and to show that I am a real person like you and not an abstract thing behind a creator name, I wanted to write a few lines for you.
  • Why the name "HexorGames"?
    A long time ago, during my apprenticeship as a computer technician, we had to build a microcomputer that we could only program using hex code (short for hexadecimal, this programming language is also called assembler). Apparently I was so good at creating hex codes that my classmates started calling me "Hexor".
    Beyond the field of coding, I have always been captivated by the elegance of the hexagon. Its symmetry and seamless pattern create a unique aesthetic attraction for me. Some may find this fascination a bit "geeky", but I embrace it wholeheartedly.
    These two factors led me to the point where I wanted to use the name "Hexor" as a synonym. It simply suits me. And since I develop games, this resulted in the name "HexorGames".

  • Why do I do what I do?
    First and foremost, I like to be creative!
    My passion for adult content has led me to combine these two worlds and so I started creating adult content.
    I am not doing this project to get rich or anything. But I hope to get support from people who like what I do so that I can spend more time expressing and unleashing my creative and productive potential. And that's why I'm naturally more than happy about everyone who decides to support this project, me and my work.

  • Why do I work alone?
    In my later career as a software developer, I have seen many good projects die. Often it was because at some point there were disputes within the team that sometimes didn't even have anything to do with the project itself. But of course the project suffered as a result.
    To make sure that doesn't happen with this project, I work alone. That's one reason for it.
    The other reason is that I'm the type of person who can work most effectively on his own. That's probably also the reason why I've been able to earn my money as a freelancer so far.

    But as far as this project is concerned, I think I nevertheless have a great team. And anyone who makes constructive suggestions, contributes ideas, offers their help or actively supports this game project is part of this team!

  • How do I work?
    It's been two years since I opened the Unity editor for the first time. About a year later, I released the first playable version of "Master of Seduction" to the public.
    A lot has happened since then and I've fallen in love with this project: the characters I've created, the ever-growing content of the game, the active support of people who show me in this way that they like what I'm doing.
    Once a friend asked me to turn around and face him. Before I even turned around, I thought: on which axis? That was the moment when I realized for the first time how deep I was already into the 3d stuff and how much space this project was taking up in my head.

  • What is this "realtime 3d" thing?
    This means that everything you see in the game is calculated and rendered live on your graphics card while you are playing the game.

    Developing a full 3D game with realtime rendering and lighting (like Master of Seduction) is much more complex than developing a visual novel, for example. Visual novels use pre-rendered images and videos (sometimes even AI-generated graphics). So you don't have to deal with optimizing the models, polygon count or lighting because everything is rendered on another computer before you see it in the game. Therefore, it can look very nice with a ton of After Effects, etc. The reason for this is that the time it takes to render the images or videos doesn't matter.

    With realtime 3D games this is completely different. All things such as lighting, placement, movement and rendering of objects (and much more) need to be programmed to run in real-time while you play the game.
    So a lot more time is needed to create the program code, deal with vector math and optimize the polycount of models, objects, lighting, etc. to ensure a nice and smooth gaming experience.

    I am not using the comparison to VNs here because I want to devalue them or upgrade this game. I use it because most people have already played a visual novel and realtime 3d games often have to compete with VNs, which in my opinion is not possible at all for the reasons mentioned above. They are two fundamentally different types of game.
    I just want to show the difference and make clear where the difficulties lie and why it takes so much time and effort to develop a realtime 3d game. On the other hand, the effort rewards the player with a very high immersion that you get with a realtime 3d game.